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2023-12-20 04:27热度:1212

"No newspaper world" information intensive now, it is difficult for us to imagine -- although I haven"t had to read the newspaper. There is no newspaper. If really has no newspapers, so must not have now developed news, a newspaper is the carrier of information professional, it is the advantage of low price, convenient, accurate information in the audience, it is more important than the Internet and watch TV, do not need to wire and other special restrictions, so the audience and other media compared to the more widespread. If there is no newspaper, when meeting the power of this unexpected situation people back to the primitive society, the news had to pass from mouth to mouth, low efficiency. I think, the information on the Internet contains too much junk, news has become like no nutrition food, only pay attention to the time and hot, while ignoring the news commentary and social influence. The newspaper because of its professional and do well in the analysis. So, there is no world newspaper filtering information will be faster, more people will not be seriously. So, not identified before the full specification in other media, newspapers are necessary.