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2023-07-24 03:46热度:5168

Experience just takes too long
According to The Times :In today"s world the consumer is king,and business education is no exception(例外).In the past,wannabe CEOs(想成为首席执行官的人们) studied for an MBA after several years" work experience.But for those in a hurry,pre-experience or "young masters" degrees are increasingly popular.After a first degree,pre-experience masters come in two flavours(特点):specialist masters focus on specific management functions,such as finance or HR; while generalist(通才的) masters offer graduates with a non-management-related first degree a broad business overview(宏观视野).
Good news for 6st weaklings
According to The Daily Telegraph :Men who spend hours in the gym trying to perfect a rippling(飘逸的,曲线的)six-pack(六样装的),bulging biceps(突出二头肌)and well-honed pectorals(胸肌) to attract the opposite sex may be wasting their time,a new study suggests.The research claims to show that the female ideal of the male body shape is more slender than men think.
Graduate brain drain threatens poorest nations,says OECD
According to The Financial Times :More than half of known graduates from some of the world"s poorest nations are living abroad in a brain drain that threatens the countries" long-term development,the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development warned yesterday.In a report entitled Trends in International Migration,the rich countries" think-tank (智囊团、知识界)fears "the possibility that emigration of highly skilled workers may adversely(相反地,不利地)affect small countries".