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2023-11-23 19:39热度:3566


华裔失踪女孩蓝可儿尸体被发现 据美国媒体报道,三周前在洛杉矶失踪的加拿大华裔女生蓝可儿的尸体在Cecil旅店的顶楼水箱里被发现。尸体藏于Cecil旅店顶楼四个水箱中的其中一个内,被清理旅店水箱的一名工人发现,目前还无法确定是否属他杀。

英:Chinese missing girl blue our bodies were found according to American media, three weeks ago in Los Angeles missing Canada Chinese girl blue our bodies in Cecil hotel on the top floor of the tank was found. Body hidden in the top four tank Cecil hotel one of the inside, is cleared the water tank of a worker found that it is not sure whether he is.